Tuesday 18 November 2014

On My List

Hello hello!

I've been loving some things lately that have made me a very happy woman. Being the one so wonderful friend I am, I am going to share my 5 favourites right now that I've been loving!

1. Messy Buns: I've always had a love for slightly messy hair, but messy buns have been my thing recently. I love the unkept, yet subtly sexy look that a bun gives your hair. Especially because I've chopped all of my hair off in mid June, so growing out my hair has been a bit of a pain. My personal  go to look has been throwing all my hair forward, shaking up my hair to give it some volume, and then twisting my hair into a low bun. Then I leave some strands out, sometimes curling the front pieces if I'm feeling it!

2. Candy Cane Green Tea: I love green tea. Like addicted. I drink so much of it, that's its probably considered a real addiction. I picked this up with my little sister when we went to the store, and it is mighty good stuff. It's really christmas all in a little box.

3. Iphone 6: I bought this phone, from a step up from my bad barely working Iphone 5. I love the bigger screen, as well as the iTouch button. It's helpful to have a phone where you really want a passcode, but you really don't want to unlock it.

4. Double Liner: I have never been one for the double liner look, because generally with my already dramatic brows, I generally don't want to look insane. But lately, I've been loving the smoky eyeliner looks for everyday as well as going out!

5. Snowman Cookies from Starbucks: Do I REALLY need to say more? These are amazing, and if you haven't tried it you are missing tf out.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Quick Pick Me Ups

Life can get you in a slump, me out of everyone should know that feels. Life is something to be enjoyed, and sometimes you need to be reminded of that! I feel like especially this time of the year, the 'slump' is what I like to call it. So anyways, back to the story my quick pick me ups. 

-Facials: This does not have to be like at the salon or anything extensive. I love DIYs and just some drugstore facial scrubs. Nothing feels better than a beautiful face with no makeup. I love doing this for when I'm feeling a bit blue. 

-Working Out: I have a love/hate with working out. I love the feeling, but I actually hate the actual working out part. A quick pop pilates video gets in a much better mood. 

-Scented Candles: You're going to laugh, but a clean room and a scented candle is idealistic for me. I love the peace and serenity when it comes to a clutter free zone and just time to relax and kick back. 

-Journaling: Getting your thoughts out no matter how negative is beautiful. Let it all go if you do not want to speak. Life is about getting your voice out there, and journaling is a lovely way to start that journey for yourself. 

-Cooking: I love food, and when I make a really great dish, its amazing. I love the methodic approach, and not trying to impress anyone except myself. 

AT THE END OF THE DAY: Your life is yours, no one is going to make decisions for you and make you feel a certain way. You are in charge of everything in your life and taking the time out to love yourself and your life is beautiful in itself. 

- H

Friday 11 April 2014

Favorite Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Lately, I've been about the whole breakfast scene. It's the best meal of the day for a reason! I love granola, bit of an obsession actually. My go to breakfast is has these layers (so fancy)

- Greek yogurt, my personal fav is Chobani yogurt in cherry 
- Granola
- flaked almonds 
- chia seeds
- ANY type of fruit, I love sweet things, banana and strawberries are a lethal combination. 
- Coffee as well, I mean the stuff is amazing! Almond milk with stevia is my go to! 

Happy Eating!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Work It Out!

With the smell of spring just around the corner, dresses, tank tops, shorts are tagging along as well. This means trying to loose the few pounds in order to squeeze into last summers dress, where arguably you looked the slimmest. Especially in my case, I was a gym FREAK. I used to work out for two hours with 100% clean eating. Yeah, I was intense. But being that way truly put me off working out for a long ass time. I hated the gym and sweating, it felt like a chore-worse than work or school. So, I think I've found a healthy medium that I'm willing to share!

Home workouts are the best, aka you don't have to care how awful you look and you can pop right into the shower-BEST FEELING EVER!

- Nike Training APP
- Blogilates

These programs help me sosososos much when it comes to working out at home, like I said last summer I was totally insane, and did insanity as well but I prefer higher doses of cardio than most. It burns all of that pizza off your gut. Feels good.

I workout about 4-5 a week for 30-45 minutes. Sometimes I change it up, do a kickboxing video on youtube, or yoga. Keeping it interesting is the key for me. Hopefully in a few months it'll pay off!
Happy working out!


Wednesday 12 March 2014

Beautiful Days and Bad Decisions

Living in Canada does have it perks, especially when the weather picks up and becomes beautiful you really can take the time to enjoy it. Menchies is a frozen yogurt company that is literally the best creation ever. The marketing itself, is super cute itself. I dont know about you guys, but eating a lot of froyo makes me feel better than eating ice cream, always saying in the back of my mind that's its healthier (yeah right!) I'm starting to feel super pressured about university, and all it entails. During this time, marks start slipping, and aspirations start feeling like just dreams instead of realities. So, some froyo and hanging out with good friends is definitely the pick up I need.

Here's a picture of Menchies, super cute!

Sunday 9 March 2014

The Simple Makeup

I love me some calm sundays with nothing to do. I love waking up late, spending time with friends and family and not having to worry about how I look. My favourite makeup for most days is the minimal look. I love bold eyebrows, little to none eyeliner, sheer foundation and lip chap. My favourite makeup products lately have been:

- Maybelline Fit Me Foundation: This stuff is the bomb with a beauty blender. It gives a sheer glow without going overboard, I feel like some Mac products do that to my skin. 

-L'oreal Telescopic Eyeliner- Since I was sixteen eyeliner has been my thang. I love experimenting with different eyeliners, and finally I have found my favourite one. This eyeliner is dark, and stays on forever. 

- Revlon Kissable Balm Stain- Crush is my fav by far. I can sheer it out for a simpler spring look, or vamp it up for a night out. 

- Eyebrows: I have pretty decent eyebrows, so I don't need too much touch ups. I love using dried out mascara to comb out my eyebrows because my hair is jet black, so it works! 

Overall, wearing minimal makeup is amazing, because its so effortless! I love the way skin can breathe, and with the nicer weather soaking up that sun gives me the most flawless skin, oh yeah and eating healthy too( does BBQ count?!) 

Friday 7 March 2014

The Perfect Nail Colour for The Right Occasion

I thought I would talk about my favourite nail polishes ever, with the leader being Essie. I always change my nail polish on the regular (it's pretty bad, I mean I spend a lot of time on them). I have a soft spot for China Glaze, as well as a few OPI nail colours. I'd thought I'd share my favourite colours on certain occasions.

The Ultimate Girl Party Bash- You know the type, spilling your secrets along with devouring copious amount of wine and chocolate. The bright plum colour really can really spark up a dull outfit, or add to already flashy one. My personal favourite is matching my lip colour to the this nail varnish. Essie's DJ Play That Song is definitely a girl's night out (or night in) colour. 

The Spring Date-  The easy, throw your hair back into a ponytail type of day. Sundresses and wedges please! I love Essie's Tart Deco for a nice day of sipping tea and having walks with people whom you adore. The colour literally is the prettiest fusion between peach and pink, and looks lovely on any skin tone. 

Feeling Moody -  We all have those days where you want to embrace your inner 'against the system' soul and hate everything. Well, Incognito in Sausalito by OPI is the darkest blue with a shine without going fully black. Perfect for days where life is a little shitty, and a little eh. Topped with a good book, and some tea by the window, this colour is ideal for our inner moody pre-teen. 

The Everyday-  Not everyday can be a manicure that catches eyes, so Ladylike by Essie is the most beautiful, lovely, gorgeous (should I continue?) colour ever. I've personally gone through 4 bottles of this stuff. Every friend that I've told has fallen in love, seriously this stuff is awesome. Two coats and you've got yourself a beautiful elegant manicure. This is my number one favourite Essie colour, and when you purchase it, it'll be yours too. (Pinky promise!)